1. Watch this Zoom link on Social Class Stratification. (https://fhda-edu.zoom.u

1. Watch this Zoom link on Social Class Stratification. (https://fhda-edu.zoom.us/rec/play/PU8Rx9Pzkj-NVKbR5P41d1IzwKq42Z20YuBo8cFYtdBuewY4lp5emIrIhlS9PGQFg1lKS2NajKNBpEWE.klueVOn6QdXfdLt9?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=ZkyoBXVBQtawj7guwNhChQ.1625610789126.c3c9f5744d7867e81a7916ee94931487&_x_zm_rhtaid=336)
2. Watch this video on Max Weber and Social Class:
Weber and Class. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rilzNT4CXpc&ab_channel=IntroductiontoSociology)
3. Listen to the podcast 1500 Stories, (https://1500stories.org/resources/the-podcast/) episodes 2-6
4. Watch my lecture on Global Inequality and Globalization. (https://fhda-edu.zoom.us/rec/play/RdbVkHCZpXKhqTMBb8bES0E-v7BorgSije2Xw_laYi7W7NgIeDkNQvOyfTigW9GClFp2SGwmbe5ikMpA.9Az2Ba5JmYx_EvwU?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=9_nbTSJVRmmri3MPWP03MA.1652810360076.e030de138483af7147e92eadb26a9a7d&_x_zm_rhtaid=206)
5. Module Reflection: In your reflection:
Talk about Marx. What do you think of Marx? Did you learn anything?
Make sure you understand the differences between Marx’s and Weber’s idea of social class inequality.
Discuss 1500 stories– anything you want but pay attention to the “big ideas.”
The pros and cons of globalization.
The readings:
A Sociology Experiment, Ch. 4, “Social Class, Inequality, and Poverty”
Readings for Sociology, Ch.25, “Manifesto of the Communist Party”
Readings for Sociology, Ch.31, “Uses of the Underclass in America”
Readings for Sociology, Ch.47, “Work Freed Her, Then It Moved to Mexico”

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