Write a brief, diplomatic, caring, and professional email communication to the f

Write a brief, diplomatic,
caring, and professional email communication to the family member(s) in one of
the scenarios to make a recommendation for addressing their situation.
evidence that supports your professional recommendation so that the family
members have the information they need
to make an optimal decision.
Remember, your goal is not
to persuade the family to follow your recommendation. Rather, your goal is to
empower the family of the service user to make the optimal decision that fits
their needs.
Ricardo is 68-year-old widower who has lived alone since his wife of 38 years
passed away 6 years ago. Ricardo has
two children: a son, Cristian, and a
daughter, Melissa. Cristian lives close by and visits once or twice a week.
Melissa lives
farther away but is the primary contact. Melissa has noticed of
lately that Ricardo seems more irritable and less tidy in his
personal care. He
was recently diagnosed with early frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a disease that
causes slow deterioration in cognitive and memory functioning. Over a period of
time, this deterioration may mean he has full dementia, it will not be safe for
him to live alone, and his confusion and disorientation will increase. Most
people with FTD over the long run will eventually need 24-hour care. Melissa
would like to be proactive and start looking for facilities now for
transitioning Ricardo. However, there is
some cost involved to find a nice
place for Ricardo to live with the kind of care he will need now and in the
future. Ricardo has some savings, and these could be used to help with the
costs of care. Cristian is less eager; he says there is no urgency, and he
doesn’t want to treat his father like a child, that he is doing fine for now,
and would save more money by staying home with a visiting home care person
coming in an hour a day to make meals and tidy up. Ricardo himself is reluctant
to move out of his home and is nervous about how he will feel in a facility
that provides 24-hour care. You must write an email that explains to Melissa
and Cristian the choices they have before them and how to choose what is best
for their father.

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