Week 5 Discussion Forum No unread replies. No replies. This week, you should beg

Week 5 Discussion Forum
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This week, you should begin drafting your final paper by reviewing instructor feedback, outlining how to bring the two perspective papers together into one cohesive final paper, and drafting your introduction, conclusion, and abstract for peer review and editing purposes.
It is important to post as early in the week as possible to have the best chance of getting a peer to review your work.
In this week’s discussion, post the draft of the Introduction of your final paper. Your introduction should include:
The first paragraph should provide an overview of the problem, the thesis statement, and some general background information supported by scholarly source(s).
The second paragraph should provide an overview of the purpose of the paper. Information regarding the four perspectives used including definitions and explanations of each perspective should be incorporated.
The third paragraph should discuss how information was obtained for the paper. What databases were searched? What terms were searched? What filters were applied? This should be written in full sentences rather than a bulleted list.

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