This week, we will work to define ecological rationality. This is admittedly a c

This week, we will work to define ecological rationality. This is admittedly a complex topic, defined by our textbook authors as the need to “consider more than economic, technological, political, and social reasons in making decisions about how to organize our lives” (p.280). In other words, the ecological impact of a decision should be thought through just as carefully as one might think through business considerations, such as expenses and revenues. To help unpack this complex concept, explore one recent example of public officials (policy makers, leaders, etc.) employing ecological rationality, or failing to consider ecological rationality, when dealing with an environmentally sensitive issue.
As one option, consider viewing (or reviewing) Erin Brockovich (2000), an award-winning film starring Julia Roberts based on the true story of the title character’s legal battle against Pacific Gas and Electric Company over its role in contaminating groundwater. Alternatively , you may choose to explore a different example of an environmental disaster caused by corporate wrongdoing.
As part of your analysis, respond to the following questions.
Briefly describe the environmental disaster. What were the effects of this disaster?
How much of a role do you think the government should take in regulating the environment?
How much should be left up to individual citizens and businesses? Can corporations be trusted to do the right thing?

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