– this pep essay is regarding a patient admitted in Emergency department with c

– this pep essay is regarding a patient admitted in Emergency department with chronic condition where i have done my clinical placements. so we suppose to write an essay including research on diagnoses and treatments with valid references. medication list and diagnoses are uploaded in order which has to be added in list as appendix. I am going to add one of the senior student pep essay copy to help but dont forget about the plagirism. it can be summarise in a way.
but please dont make it complecated because english is not my first language and lecturers know that and can realise if its too formal and complicated to understand.
Please follow NANDA and references according to APA 7th edition australia for references.
-APA 7th edition
-has to be simple language as nursing student but including formal nursing language
-2000 words
– collected data has to be added with reference
-the deadline is 8th june but i need to check if there is some changes to do.

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