Think back to meeting Justin Jones from Module 5. He was admitted after a motorc

Think back to meeting Justin Jones from Module 5. He was admitted after a motorcycle accident. He had surgery for fracture reduction on his legs and now has casts on both legs and one arm. For the past three days, he has been receiving narcotic analgesics for severe pain.
Today, he has a new nursing diagnosis: constipation related to immobility and decreased gastrointestinal (GI) motility secondary to narcotic analgesics. The nurse enters the diagnosis into an electronic care plan. In addition to a list of suggested assessments, the computer database generates the following list of suggested interventions:
Institute a program to establish a regular pattern of bowel movements
Administer laxative or stool softener, as prescribed
Administer enema
Remove stool manually
Encourage increased fluid intake, including warm liquids; instruct on and encourage a high-fiber diet
Encourage a regular program of activity and exercise
Perform manual reduction of rectal prolapse
As a nurse, which interventions would you choose and why?

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