These fole plays come from materials in chapter 28 in your text. What would you

These fole plays come from materials in chapter 28 in your text. What would you say? What would you do? How would you end the conversation? Use proper grammar and spelling and terminology for the situation.
#3: Call a patient and ask for a payment. Their account is 600 days past due.
Video #1 –
This video will walk you through a series of essential procedures for a Medical Assistant when taking incoming calls from patients. This video will introduce you to key questions that a Medical Assistant will ask and the information that a Medical Assistant should be prepared to collect and then, enter into an Electronic Health Record. As you watch the video, please take some notes on the questions that the Medical Assistant asked and key information that they collected. Please also consider how the Medical Assistant spoke to the patient over the phone. Once you have watched the video, please answer the following questions in a Word document.
1. When scheduling a patient over the phone, what information is important to obtain from them?
2. Why is it important to discuss their insurance information at the time of scheduling?
3. Why is it important to verify the patient’s insurance at the time of service as well as document that verification?
Video #2 –

Three essential elements of patient accounts are understanding how deductibles, copayments, and coinsurances work. Based on a patient’s insurance coverage, these three items can heavily impact how services are paid for and documented in a patient’s account.
To help break each of these items down into several essential concepts, please watch this video from Optima Health. This video explains how deductibles, copayments, and coinsurances work. As you watch the video, please take notes on key parameters that stood out to you. After viewing this, share how you would explain this scenario to a patient:
Their services total $370 and their insurance allows $300.
They have a coinsurance of 20% of the allowed amount and they have a deductible of $100.
First figure how much they owe by using this formula:
· Allowed amount – Deductible to be met * 20% + deductible = amount patient owes
Here’s a hint for you: the patient owes (20% of $200) + $100 for the deductible.
Once you have the total they owe, tell us how you would explain it to the patient. Be sure to use correct medical terminology and use good grammar.
Prepare a Word document for this assignment, with the title of “Week 3 Video Assignment”, your name and date. Then note “Video #1” and your answers followed by “Video #2” and your answers. Upload as usual.
#4: A patient calls to complain about her bill. You discover that an error as been made and there is a duplicate charge. How do you handle this?

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