The topic of your paper can be any social issue that directly impacts social lif

The topic of your paper can be any social issue that directly impacts social life in the United States.
Some examples include student debt, homelessness, cyberbullying, and the adoption of new technologies.
Once you have chosen your topic, find three (3) sources that describe the same social issue. For example, if you want to research homelessness, all three of your sources need to focus on homelessness. Try to find articles from a variety of sources; don’t get them all from the same website or news agency.
You will need to provide support for your interpretations from scholarly sources. Appropriate sources include scholarly articles, newspaper articles, statistics from reputable survey companies, and textbooks.
Clearly state facts by using in-text citations that follow APA format, and clearly state when you are giving your opinion.
Clearly describe your chosen issue using all three sources – include multiple perspectives, not just ones that you personally agree with. This will be your introduction paragraph.
Use the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives to interpret the causes and consequences of your chosen issue. For example, from the conflict perspective, homelessness can be interpreted as a consequence of an economic system in which certain types of people are more likely to be homeless than others based on factors they cannot control, like ethnicity or gender. Write at least one paragraph for each of the three perspectives. Include details from your scholarly sources to back up your statements.
Discuss what actions have been taken to address the issue. For example, how are organizations and people addressing homelessness in your city? Discuss whether these actions are addressing the problem and making things better. There might not be a lot of visible results yet, or maybe signs point to things not getting better.
To conclude your paper, discuss what you would do to address the issue. Compare how you would address it to how other organizations and people are addressing it. How is your approach similar or different?
Requirements :
APA style cover page
APA style in-text citations of your sources. For example: (Last Name, 2022)
At least 4 pages in length, NOT including cover page
Times New Roman or Calibri font, size 12, double-spaced, 1 inch margins
Rubric :
Did you identify your topic and give an in-depth description of what it is and why it is considered a social issue?
Did you describe your chosen social issue using the three main perspectives used by sociologists? (Functionalist, Conflict, and Symbolic Interaction)
Did you discuss what is being done to address your chosen social issue? In other words, do you describe what solutions have been offered and whether they are working?
Did you provide your own thoughts and insights on the topic, building off of the information provided in your outside sources, and providing your own solution to the issue?
Does your final paper follow the formatting guidelines, and did you cite your sources correctly?

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