Short Answer Question 2 (100 points) Choose one of the following articles: First

Short Answer Question 2 (100 points)
Choose one of the following articles:
First article (Some disturbing images are in the article): Ford, Kachmar, D’Ambrosio (2018): “Dead, beaten, abused: New Jersey fails to stop police brutality”
Second article: Budnick (2017): straight girls kissing.pdf
Then choose option one or option two:
Option one: If you chose the first article, apply two of the following concepts (socialization, social norms, deviance) to two different and specific police officers’ behaviors in the article.
For instance, if you chose socialization and social norms, you would:
1-choose an argument from one of the readings about socialization in
module 2 and use that argument to explain a specific behavior in Ford,
Kachmar, D’Ambrosio (2018): “Dead, beaten, abused: New Jersey fails to stop police brutality”
2-choose an argument from one of the readings about social norms in
module 3 and use that argument to explain a specific behavior in Ford,
Kachmar, D’Ambrosio (2018): “Dead, beaten, abused: New Jersey fails to stop police brutality”
Citing is required in your answers. To cite, just
include the author’s last name, year of article publication. For
instance, you might write something like, “According to Ford, Kachmar,
D’Ambrosio (2018)…”
Both answers, combined, should be 300-350 words.
Option two: If you chose the second article, apply two of the following concepts (socialization, social norms, deviance) to two different and specific women’s behaviors in the article.
For instance, if you chose social norms and deviance, you would:
1-choose an argument from one of the readings about social norms in
module 3 and use that argument to explain a specific behavior in Budnick
(2017): straight girls kissing.pdf
2-choose an argument from one of the readings about deviance in
module 3 and use that argument to explain a specific behavior in Budnick
(2017): straight girls kissing.pdf
Citing is required in your answers. To cite, just
include the author’s last name, year of article publication. For
instance, you might write something like, “Budnick (2017) found that…”
Both answers, combined, should be 300-350 words.
Excellent answer: 100 points (answer demonstrates comprehensive
understanding of course concept; answer includes three specific examples
from the reading; includes all citations; answer is 200-300 words long;
no spelling or grammar errors)

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