Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Research Paper To

Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions
Research Paper Topic: The Impact of Agile Leadership on Organizational Transformation
The purpose of this Annotated Bibliography assignment is to discover and evaluate the most current and credible sources of scholarly Christian and secular literature in contemporary organizational management. It is recommended (not required) that you choose a bibliography related to your topic of interest. This topic must be approved by the professor. The literature for this assignment will also be used for the next assignment, which is a literature review. Each annotation should include the purpose of the study, the method of study, key findings of the study, and your critique of the study in terms of its contribution to the organizational management body of knowledge. Most of the annotation must focus on your critique of the study. DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE STUDY.
Remember: This assignment and all assignments in this course have a management, not leadership focus. There is a distinct difference between management and leadership. Discuss management, not leadership. The Contemporary Management text only provides basic topical information. As a research-intensive doctoral course, you will need to research current scholarly literature. There is no assignment in this course that can be completed by relying on the text alone.
Write 8 annotated bibliographies from articles with at least 100 words in the “annotation critique” portion of each bibliography, in addition to a title page, abstract, introduction, and conclusion. Do not choose any of the prior references that you submitted in this course. Be sure to choose articles that are based on a study and give the purpose, method of research, and research findings. Key words required to include: purpose, method, findings, critique
Required Headings
Cover page with Topic Title
Annotated Bibliographies
(5 bibliographies with each one including these elements which are not headings):
Annotation citation (in APA format)
Annotation purpose of the study (no more than 1 sentence)
Annotation method of the study (no more than 1 sentence)
Annotation key findings (no more than 2 sentences)
Annotation critique
(Evaluate the quality & reasoning behind the information, answering questions in How to Write the Annotation Critique below-at least100 words in this annotation critique section)
How to Write the Annotation Critique Answer some of these questions in writing the “annotation critique” portion for each of the 8 journal articles that you are critically analyzing. You are evaluating the quality and reasoning behind the information in each article. Do not summarize the article.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? Does the article provide enough information or argumentation? Were the author’s arguments supported by evidence? Is the author objective/neutral in choosing terms and words or are they biased or emotionally charged? Are there specific areas suggested for further research or discussion? If any terms are defined, are the definitions circular, specific or useful? Do the references support the author’s points, or are they a rebuttal of other points? What were the expected results? Does the author state whether or not this is a research report? How large was the research study sample and how was it selected? What factors could have affected the results of the study? How did the actual results compare with expected results?
Other Requirements
Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.
The cover page must include the following statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.
This paper must include at least 8 references from peer reviewed secular and Christian articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years and have not been previously cited in this course. Choose at least one Christian article among the 5 required articles. The course Jones and Merida texts and the Bible cannot be used as annotated bibliographies. Use Christian articles instead of the Bible. Do not conduct interviews.
In-text citations are not needed in any of the 5 annotated bibliographies.
Backlander, G. (2019). Doing complexity leadership theory: How agile coaches at spotify practise enabling leadership. Creativity and Innovation Management, 28(1), 42-60.
Calnan, M., & Rozen, A. (2019). ING’s agile Transformation—Teaching an elephant to race. Journal of Creating Value, 5(2), 190-209.
Chen, X. H., Tee, K., & Chang, V. (2022). Accelerating innovation efficiency through agile leadership: The CEO network effects in china. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 179
Denning, S. (2019). Lessons learned from mapping successful and unsuccessful agile transformation journeys. Strategy & Leadership, 47(4), 3-11.
Denning, S. (2018). the challenge of leadership in the age of agile: Leader to leader. Leader to Leader, 2018(89), 20-25.
Prange, C., & Hennig, A. (2019). From strategic planning to strategic agility patterns. Journal of Creating Value, 5(2), 111-123.
Tshabalala, M. M., & Marnewick, C. (2021). Agile as an enabler towards innovation-based organisational transformations. South African Journal of Information Management, 23(1), e1-e10.
Tucker, R. (2021). Using business leadership models to analyse leadership stances in a developmental organisation in the cape flats. Acta Theologica, 41(1), 141-175.

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