Reflection #1: The Sociological Imagination & Me Due: Sunday, JUNE 12 For this

Reflection #1:
The Sociological Imagination & Me
Due: Sunday, JUNE 12
For this assignment, you will interpret and relate sociological content to
your daily life and personal history. In this course, we had the opportunity to
read C. Wright Mills’ “The Promise of the Sociological Imagination.” In this
reflection, you will apply the sociological imagination to your own life.
Remember, the sociological imagination involves connecting your
biography (personal history) to the social context (historical context,
political setting, institutional influence, etc.); in this reflection, you will share
part of your personal biography and explain how you would use the
sociological imagination to explain it.
Your answers should be in essay format, typed, 1-2 pages in length, and
double-spaced. This assignment should be completed independently. A
high-quality essay will explicitly incorporate concepts, theories, and topics
from the text and lectures, and it will demonstrate a good understanding of
them as they pertain to the questions.
Your paper should include an introduction, an overview of the sociological
imagination, and a discussion of the sociological imagination and your life.
You may describe an event, a specific experience, or part of your identity.
Summarize your thoughts and explain it using the sociological imagination.
Lastly, your reflection should include a conclusion explaining whether or not
using the sociological imagination gave you a better understanding of your
biography. Why or why not?
• Assignment Length: approx. 1-2 pages
• Format: Typed (12pt. font), double-spaced, one (1) inch margins (APA format)
• You must provide citations using a consistent and appropriate APA format
both in-text and with a References page at the end of the paper at min.
• Be sure to clearly and correctly define all sociological concepts, terms, or
theories that are used in your paper. Show off what you’ve learned!
• Excessive problems in grammar, spelling, and punctuation will result in grade

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