Please follow the Module Response Guidelines below. And the feedback from last e

Please follow the Module Response Guidelines below.
And the feedback from last essay is:
While you correctly point to the relevance of conspiracy theories, the response nevertheless does not meet the expectations mentioned in the course guidelines. – In your response, you merely incoherently restate some pieces of information.
A way of potential improvement is mentioned below:
You could begin by summarizing the topics relevant to infection dynamics in about one paragraph. Here, a good way to start the response would be to define the infectious outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics and distinguish between them. Then you could connect the factors affecting dynamics (e.g., urbanization, climate change, herd immunity, a phenomenon of superspreaders, etc.) to the role of psychological factors, such as uncertainty, rumors, coping strategies, and conspiracy theories. Further, it would help if you had discussed the channels of information distribution, etc.
The analysis section is not efficient. It could be done better by synthesizing various pieces of information from adequately summarized paragraphs to demonstrate the complexity of the connection between the dimensions of dynamics of the spread of diseases and human psychology.
My general advice in this respect is to read the Module Response Guidelines thoroughly and firmly adhere to its requirements. In the case something remains unclear, contact TA Stanislav Skritki.
Please note that the word count is missing. Hence, 5 points have been detracted from your grade.
So, please follow the instruction below.

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