Overview: You have been asked to present to a local community/church gathering to talk about subtance abuse and addiciton in your community. The group needs to know what they can do as insiv individuals and as a group to address the growing issue in Virginia, USA. These are concerned adults who want to know more about the problem and how they can help.
Instructions: You will create a power point presentation for the community or church group. Discuss the prevalence of substance abuse and addiction and offer ways that communities can help. The statistics should be explained in the presentation. The information needs to be relavent to the group. The reccommendations for helping need to be expained and dicussed in the presentation. Use illustrations and graphixs to make your presentation or pamphlet attractive and help the reader or listener to be interested in the information.
Must be 10 slides (not including title and APA-7 Reference Page) Total 12 slides
A script of 100 words for each slide as a guide for presenting the info (APA-7) in the speaker notes
**Script can not be part of the slide**
The viewer should not be seeing the script on slides, only for speaker in speaker notes.
Must only use scholoarly sources no more than 5 years old. (.gov, .edu)
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