Drawing from the course material, explain a biblical view of business ethics. Co

Drawing from the course material, explain a biblical view of business ethics. Compare and contrast with at least one other secular view discussed in the course material.
*Requirements: Write a 3-page essay in APA format with proper citations and reference listings. You should explain, support, and analyze the topic using the text(s) and Scripture.
* Proverbs 1 (Applies to ethical decision-making and standards: Leaders need to recognize and apply their standard for ethics in tough business situations because God’s wisdom works.)
* Romans 1:18-13 (Applies to leadership ethics and the ethics of others and compares and contrasts Christians versus secular ethics.)
* Genesis 12:1-3 (Applies to leadership ethics and role of the Covenant as a model for leadership ethics.)
* Timothy 2:14-15 (Applies to leadership ethics and the ethics of others. Clarifies the basis for Christian ethics for leaders.)

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