Define positive and negative punishment and give an example of each. Explain the

Define positive and negative punishment and give an example of each. Explain the rules for implementing punishment.
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1. I can also share one from something that happened today one of my students(Zoey) was speaking out of turn during our instruction time. i took away her reward ( bubble wand) and gave it to another student who wasn’t talking out of turn. my student (Zoey) didn’t like me taking away her bubble wand and stopped talking out of turn, and waited patiently to be called upon.
2. The rules for implementing punishment are, to begin with, a punishing stimulus of sufficient intensity (Cooper et al., 2020). It is also important to use a variety of punishers this is because overusing one punisher may cause it to lose its effectiveness due to habituation. Lastly, make sure to punish each instance of the behavior you are trying to reduce in order to make sure the punishment is effective.
3. Provide a question or two to peers

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