This discussion provides an opportunity to compare two different persuasive spee

This discussion provides an opportunity to compare two different persuasive speeches. Each has its pros and cons. To begin, please watch the two videos posted below. Then, in your initial post, please share which you found more persuasive and explain why. Support your answer with specific examples from each presentation (which can also include ways you think the speech might be improved). You are commenting on BOTH speeches in your post. Note: let’s focus our discussion on the organization, delivery, and persuasive aspects of the speeches, NOT on the speech topic. Your sources for this assignment will be the youtube video links.

Persuasive Speech Example:
Please review the Persuasive Speech Outline Example (20/20/20 Rule) in this week’s lecture. Then watch this corresponding speech. Notice how the speaker uses the outline and note cards to deliver the speech in an organized, effective way.
Notice the–>
Introduction: Attention-Getter, establishes credibility, relevancy and previews the topic and transitions into the speech body.
Speech Body: Clearly defines the problem and solution.
Conclusion: Wraps up the speech by restating the main ideas.
Presentational aids were used and sources were verbally cited.

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