This assignment is based on the movie, The Post,

This assignment is based on the movie, The Post, . Although we have just begun learning journalism basics, I believe you have developed some sense about what journalism is/should be and what journalists are expected to do.
Your job for this assignment is writing a reflection essay. Tie your points closely to Week 1 readings. Use relevant scenes from the movie to support your arguments. Additional research about journalism is strongly encouraged.
(1) Write a 400-word reflection paper. Your paper should be analytic, rigorous, and convincing. At the end of the paper, create a question that you think deserves class discussion.
(2) Additionally, you need to respond to at least two classmates’ papers. Your responses must be relevant to the content, add value, and advance the discussion. Comments such as “I agree” and “ditto” are not considered value-adding participation. Therefore, when you agree or disagree with a classmate, make a clear argument and support it with evidence. Each response should be at least 150 words.
Plagiarism is not tolerated. Your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax should be top notch. Microsoft Word, 12 point, double spaced, Times New Roman.

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