The following are the directions to my essay: Did you label or stereotype the p

The following are the directions to my essay:
Did you label or stereotype the persons in your responses?
If you used labeling and stereotyping, do you think it was the result of social conditioning, a defense against discomfort, or perhaps some other reason?
Do you want everyone to be like you?
Who are you really and whom/what do you represent?
Below was my response that has to reflect my essay and questions ask above:
Single parenting is a topic that I take very seriously because I come from a single parent household. At times, it was difficult to comprehend the hardships that a child or children may endure when your parent doesn’t have the financial means to provide for the household. As I got older, I would often hear others speak on the subject such as would hear “it’s hard for those kids to move up in the world” or “those types of kids might not or won’t become someone someday” or “the less fortunate” but I realized that even though, many don’t have the “perfect family”, we may all have something that affects us in some way or form. Children that come from a one parent household are more likely to not finish their education or have some type of negative psychological effect but a lot of positive may come from the experience that others might not relate.
It’s disappointing overhearing others’ opinions on the topic because they would probably never understand. Many people have this idea that all children that come from both parent homes will be successful and that’s not always true. Yes, it may be easier coming from a financial standpoint. I worked as an Officer in a Juvenile Correctional Facility and many of the teenagers came from two parent homes who still committed offenses and felt they weren’t receiving the love and support they so much yearn for. There are many two parent homes where sometimes the parents are so busy working and can’t attend to their children that at times these kids end up turning to the streets to get the attention they don’t receive at home or parents forcing them to be someone they are not because they want their kids to live up to their expectations.
Brennan MD, Dan, How Does Single Parenting Affect a Child? (August 12, 2021)

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