Now that you have developed and chosen your social work problem, developed a sta

Now that you have developed and chosen your social work problem, developed a statement of the problem, and developed a purpose of the study, it is now time to let the reader know why your study and its potential results are significant to the field of social work. The main goal of the “significance of the study” section is to identify and discuss what you believe are the implications of your potential results.
The significance of the study is really the third section of your final research proposal, as it directs the attention of the reader to the social work issue that your research project will address and provides the reader with a succinct statement of what social work problem area you are proposing to study.
More specifically, the significance of the study section is meant to indicate what implications your study’s findings will have for social work researchers, practitioners, administrators, educators, or policy makers. For example, if my research problem is college students who struggle with anxiety and stress and I find that my cognitive-behavioral intervention (CBT) helps this population, then what does this mean for the social work field? Maybe future social work researchers could use CBT with other groups of college students or maybe social workers could have a social worker on campuses that can implement a CBT intervention with college students.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
Analyze quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings (PLO 4; ILO 6)
Synthesize information from a variety of sources to purposefully plan and develop a research practice focus (PLO 4; ILO 6)
Textbook: Social Work Research Proposals: A Workbook
File: Research Proposal I Guide, Page 7 (located in Course Resources)
Find one article, identify, and discuss the implications from that article (most articles have a separate implication section).
In a few sentences, remind the other students what the purpose of your own study is (this helps to give context when responding to bullets 3 & 4 below).
Identify and discuss at least three potential implications of your own potential results for social work practice and or policy.
Respond to at least two other students and give them feedback on each of their discussion board posts (each reply should be at least 150 words). As part of this feedback, read each student’s “purpose of the study” and pick what you believe to be the most relevant implication and why.

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