No. 3 Nosocomial urinary infection rate is increasing for patients in the critic

No. 3
Nosocomial urinary infection rate is increasing for patients in the critical care areas. Research the cause, identify
likely causes, and use critical thinking and problem-solving to reduce or prevent infection and implement a solution.
1. Infection Plan
a. Research and identify three causes of increased nosocomial urinary infection rates.
2. Explanation of Causes of Infection Rates
a. Explain three likely causes of increased nosocomial urinary infection rates.
3. Infection Prevention and Solution
a. Apply problem solving to reduce nosocomial urinary infection.
b. How to prevent nosocomial urinary infection.
c. Implement a solution to reduce nosocomial urinary infection.
1350 words; APA Format (7 th edition)
Times New Roman; 12-point-font; Double space
Title page; Reference page
Reference four sources; Quoting should be less than 10%

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