Here are the instructions: It is necessary for research to be objective and unbi

Here are the instructions:
It is necessary for research to be objective and unbiased. When you develop your data collection instrument later in the process, you will need to make sure that you are not presenting the questions or selections in a way that introduces bias that will skew your results towards an intended finding. In survey-based research, one of the common concerns is that the sample is “self selected”. Can this introduce bias to your data? Are there ways you can avoid this? What other concerns might arise related to the sample you will draw from your proposed research site? The context of these questions is the events and research surrounding writing a dissertation. That plan is below: Topic: My plan is to research the proposed problem of whom Teachers and the school administration believe to be liable in instances where minor commit acts of cyberbullying. The research site is composed of 3 schools; 1 private and 2 public. The population target is the teachers and school administrators. The Title of the paper is, “The perceptions of Guardian liability of underage cyber aggressors from school teachers and faculty.” I am doing a QUALITATIVE Research paper. Answer the questions in that perspective.
The paper that is written, attached to this order, reflects these instructions. I need 2 ppt slides that brief this paper.

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