Disorder: Hyperparathyroidism related to hypercalcemia Please provide me with 6

Disorder: Hyperparathyroidism
related to hypercalcemia
Please provide me with 6 educational points and details
that will help a patient to understand the pathogenesis, etiology, along with
clinical manifestations of their disorder. Please use bullet points to indicate
the educational points you are addressing and then the educational teaching
below each bullet point (This will be included on a power point presentation
with my group). Provide three (3)
scholarly references that are provider based and are applicable to your case
study (such as NP journals, physician journals, and so on). I will be attaching
the power point so that you will have an idea of what I need. You will be providing
the information for slides 8 and 9 for me, but I will enter info on slides. I will enter the info on the slides. Please provide me with 2 pages of information so that I can include some in the notes section of the powerpoint. You
can also read the scenario on slide one to provide a better understating. Thank

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