Community resource presentations: This is a clinical assignment used to introdu

Community resource presentations: This is a clinical assignment used to introduce the learner to the resources available in the community for a vulnerable population in reproductive health. Each student needs to identify a resource available, and research information regarding services offered, populations targeted, and accessibility of the resource. Examples of a vulnerable population in reproductive health include, but are not limited to, the LGBTQ patient, underserved patient, HIV positive and the adolescent patient. An important consideration is that this is a “community” resource in this area, it could be the community of Drexel, or your clinical site or Philadelphia. But this assignment must consist of resources in one of the communities in which you are experiencing reproductive health concerns during this rotation. A short (5 min) presentation by the student will be required during post conference week 9/10. A student must get a minimum of 8/10 to pass the assignment. They will be offered one chance to re due if they are unable to achieve an 8/10. The score is based on the rubric below.
What is the resource and why did you choose this resource?
What is the target population and why is it considered vulnerable?
Is this a Federal, state or community funded resource?
How can you educate the target population on the availability of this resource and services offered?
Presentation is at least 5 minutes in duration, well organized and communicates the information thoroughly.

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