Between 3-6 pages typed (not including title page) · Double-spaced · 12 pt.

Between 3-6 pages typed (not including title page)
· Double-spaced
· 12 pt. Font, Arial or Times New Roman
· Regular formatted margins (1 inch)
· What is your topic and what are the issues surrounding it? (Define it)
· What is your stance on this topic? (Thesis)
· What are the arguments for why you have this stance? (Arguments/Body Paragraphs)
· What is the research that supports your arguments? (Evidence)
o include 3 citations, dated after January 1, 2015
· Include citations and any visuals (i.e. pictures, charts, graphs.) that will help explain the issue
· Must have a title page (title, name, date, period) and MLA works cited page

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