Assignment 5, Research Paper Research papers will examine critically some aspec

Assignment 5, Research Paper
Research papers will examine critically some aspect of South American prehistory that is of interest. You will have turned in a brief topic proposal and a list of sources on the dates specified, and briefly discussed your work-in-progress with the class. Choose something that you find personally interesting, and that is as regionally, chronologically, and topically/methodologically as specific as possible. Better to go into depth on a narrow topic than to start with too broad a topic and be superficial.
Successful papers will present a clear thesis on a specific issue, explain why it is important, and critically evaluate, organize and analyze sources on the topic in 6-8 pages. Again, pick a topic you like! You will be expected to at least three scholarly sources (monographs, articles in professional journals, etc). Please refer to the separate sheet posted on scholarly sources if you have questions. Choose and use sources and case studies to support your arguments. Cite sources for all your important points, whether paraphrased or direct quotations, and have a “References Cited” section at the end. You may use maps or figures to clarify or help your argument, but cite their sources too. (Figures and References Cited do not count to the page count)

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