How can society reduce mental health stigma and foster resilience among young people?

How can society reduce mental health stigma and foster resilience among young people?mental health among high schoolers, Speaking up about mental health 2022!ways that individuals or society can address or eliminate mental health stigma that young people may face when seeking mental health treatment.The challenge is soliciting essays to raise the awareness of mental health and provide students an opportunity for self-expression about mental health concerns.I am a 17 yearold female in America who is a highschooler who suffered personally from social anxiety, ADHD, and depression. I feel that after being in front of a computer for ZOOM and suddenly coming back to in-person classes has increased my anxiety making it difficult for my mental health. I feel more isolated and don′t have any social media and feel like an outcast. Through these short essays, teens can express their own thoughts and ideas about the mental health challenges they and their peers face. They can also share po

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