Discussion post: You are a researcher working on a treatment for Hutchinson-Gilf

Discussion post:
You are a researcher working on a treatment for Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes accelerated aging in children. Children with progeria generally appear healthy at birth but soon start growing more slowly than other children and lose their hair. Additional symptoms include stiffness of joints, heart problems, and stroke. These children typically die of heart disease at an average age of 13 years. Progeria is caused by a mutation in a single gene, called lamin A. Scientists have identified several mutations in the lamin A gene that result in changes in transcription, RNA splicing, and/or protein production. Lamin A codes for a protein required for the structural support of the nuclear envelope in cells. Without a functional protein, the nuclear envelope becomes unstable, eventually damaging the nucleus and causing cells to die. Based on what you learned about eukaryotic gene regulation, propose two genetic medicinal strategies you could develop to treat patients with progeria. Describe which steps in gene expression you might target, why you
would target these steps, and why these strategies could treat the disease.

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