Discussion: Meaningful Use: Nurses Hold the Key

Discussion: Meaningful Use: Nurses Hold the Key
Nurses justifiably take exception to pointless or unproductive work in clinical care. Meaningful use objectives and the EHR functionality required to meet those objectives have strengthened nursing practice over the past decade in a variety of ways; for example, by providing consistent and convenient evidence-based order sets, pathways, and processes available at the bedside.
Nurses continue to move forward and take the lead in providing high quality care even as meaningful use is now an integral part of nursing practice?
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review the following:
The tools and resources found in the Writing Resources tab.
Required textbook readings and articles on meaningful use.
The 5 aims of the meaningful use initiative:
Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparities.
Engage patients and families.
Improve care coordination.
Improve population and public health.
Ensure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health information.
Consider how one or more of these aims are being used in your professional practice.
By Day 3
Post the following:
Reflect on how meaningful use initiatives have shaped the current role of the nurse.
Select one of the five aims of the meaningful use initiative:
Describe the purpose of the aim in your own words.
Describe how the aim is applied in your current practice.
Explain how the five aims depend on an interdisciplinary approach to patient-centered care in your setting.
Note: Post a 3-paragraph (at least 250–350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence, in-text citations, and essay-level writing skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames.

HIPAA Explained

Mobile Data Security and HIPAA Compliance

Hebda, T., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses & health care professionals (6th ed.). Pearson.
Chapter 1, “Informatics in the Healthcare Professions” (pp. 1–3, 14–16)
Chapter 7, “The Electronic Health Record” (pp. 119–121, 127–130)
Chapter 13, “Information Security and Confidentiality” (pp. 238–242, 260–267)

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