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Review primary, secondary and tertiary prevention using Healthy People 2030 | health.gov as a guide for current initiatives related to the health of women and infants.
Relate the three levels of prevention to the health of infants and at-risk women in your community.
Describe how a prevention program could positively impact specific risk factors for the health of women and infants in your community.
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Tabarrya Ray
Women’s and newborns’ health has been the primary emphasis of the suggestions issued so far. It’s recommended that people do more to improve their diet, physical exercise, and access to medical treatment so that they may have better babies who live longer lives free of chronic ailments. These programs include proposals to enhance prenatal care, minimize infant mortality, avoid preterm delivery and low birth weight, and improve access to treatment for both mothers and their babies. ‘Pregnancy mortality rates in the United States are much higher than those in other industrialized nations. Preventing pregnancy problems and maternal fatalities is a primary goal of the Healthy People 2030 initiative. Some women have health issues that begin during pregnancy, while others have health issues that potentially lead to concerns during pregnancy. Pregnancy problems may be avoided by encouraging pregnant women to adopt healthy behaviors and seek medical attention.
On the other hand, unplanned pregnancy prevention measures can improve outcomes for mothers and babies. To avoid having a preterm baby or having a child with birth abnormalities or severe malnutrition, they delay seeking medical attention until their pregnancies are far over their gestational age. More pregnancies occur due to a shortage of contraception options for many women. Parents and the broader community can better take responsibility for their children’s health when they have access to the necessary information, tools, and encouragement. Preventing certain risk factors for the health of pregnant mothers and their babies is the goal of this research. Two layers of explanation are in need for the disparity between women’s and newborns’ health. Using the data at the beginning and conclusion of the program, we can explain the differences in health conditions between the two groups. The study’s objective is to demonstrate the favorable influence on the health of mothers and newborns of specific risk factors of a preventative program.
Infants – Healthy People 2030 | health.gov. (2017). Health.gov. https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/infants
Objectives and Data- Healthy People 2030/ health.gov.Health.gov.(2022).https:health.gov/healhypeople/objectives-and-data.

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