Write an essay over the Cask of Amontillado

Write a typed, double spaced critical essay of no fewer than 1000 words (about 3 double-spaced pages), in which you demonstrate how an author of The Cask of Amontillado develops a theme or a character. Discuss how the author uses literary devices and techniques to achieve this purpose (symbolism, irony, setting, characters, title, imagery, plot, etc.). You are to consult no secondary sources for this assignment.

If you choose a thematic analysis, you are to hypothesize about a possible theme in one of the stories, and show how the author develops it.
If you choose a character analysis, you are to hypothesize about the motivations, type(flat, round, static, dynamic), and importance of one of the characters in one of the stories.
Type your word count at the bottom of the last page. (1000 words are required for a passing score.) Submit only your final, complete draft to Blackboard by the due date.
Include a MLA Works Cited page with documentation information for your primary source (the short story).
Include MLA parenthetical citations in your essay when you quote from your story.
The following are not thesis statements. They are questions to help you arrive at and develop your own thesis statement.)
The Cask of Amontillado
-How does Poe develop the theme that revenge may destroy the victim and the avenger?
-How does Poe develop the theme that revenge can/cant be achieved with impunity?
-How does Poe develop the theme that pride is a destructive force?
-How is Montresor developed as a insecure, round, and static character racked by guilt?
-How is Montresor developed as a round and static character consumed by pride?
-How is Fortunato developed as a round and static character whose vanity and pride causes his undoing?
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