Week 9 Final Project Prep Sheet

IDS 305: Selected Topics in Film | Disabilities in Film 
Week 9 Final Project Prep Sheet 

This worksheet corresponds to prompts 4, 5, & 6 of your Final Project. Think of this Week 9 activity as another step in preparing and drafting for the real thing in Week 11! This Week 9 Final Project Prep Sheet is due Sunday.  

You should cite any outside sources used (and you are not required to use any outside sources!)  Only used the attached sources. 
As a reminder, heres what prompts 4, 5, & 6 require:  

  1. Respond to the question: What effects do these representations have on the viewer? 

  1. Respond to the questions: Do you think this film’s representation of disability is a positive one? A negative or ableist one? A little of both? Why? 

  1. Conclude with your final thoughts on the role of disability in this film. What do you want viewers to remember about your presentation? About the film? 


(4) Consider the three scenes you discussed in your Week 8 Final Project Prep Sheet. Taken all together, and considering the movie as a whole, what effects do these representations have on you, the viewer?  How might other audiences respond to these representations?  


(5) Consider the films representation of disability overall (that is, taking into consideration the entire movie, not just the scenes you described). Do you think your films representation of disability is a positive one? Positive in that it does not objectify disability? Or a negative representation, in which impairment is represented through an ableist lens? A little of both? Why?  


(6) What do you want viewers to remember about your presentation? What do you want reviewers to remember about the film and its representation of disability?  


If you plan to include any images, clips, or screenshots for these prompts in your Final Project, begin looking for them and include them here:  







Celebrate for starting early! Save your work and upload it on the dropbox under Week 9 Assignments.  



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