Week 6 Scholarly Paper: Illusion and Light

How does the Lunette Mosaic of Leo VI over the principle door of the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople evoke the art of the 6th century?  How does it depict more than meets the eye?
Remember that your Turnitin score may not exceed more than a 10% score.  It must be in your own words.

Papers are worth 10 points in this unit based on the following rubric. Two points per day will be deducted for late paper – no exceptions.


10 Points

8 Points

6 Point

4 Points


 Excellently written  analysis of chosen topic.  Brilliant insights.  Creative and original thoughts, excellent demonstration of college level.

No spelling or grammatical errors.

Very good analysis of the response or topic.  Good insights.  Adequate analysis and thoughts.  Writing has good organization, interesting sentences, few grammatical and spelling errors.

Fair/adequate organizational insights, satisfactory analysis, data are accurate.  Writing has decent organization, but errors in spelling and grammar. Some assignment directions are not followed.

Writing is disorganized.  Insights are poor.  Facts are inaccurate.  Sentence structure is poor and it is difficult to read.  Poor grammar and spelling.  Only some to no assignment directions are followed.


we use the following textbook; Medieval Art Second Edition by Marilyn Stokstad

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