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please read through the essay below and edit any where necessity such as better wordings, grammar, additional information that could make the essay better, etc

Every single person I have encountered contributes to what I am as a person. And so, I would like to introduce an influential figure in my life that happens to be an alumni at XXX university. Mr. XXX XXX– the director of the high school I attended created a masterpiece of a school that made me who I am. He provided me with a developmentally based, multiage school environment that was free from standardization and rigidity of the traditional age-grade system in which I believe XXX have a lot of common with. I was able to learn a language in less than a year from a beginner to native level to the point that I currently work with my current institution’s professors with translations and interpretations of their primary sources crucial to their research and speeches. I hope to take away from XXX post graduation and utilize my experience, networks and knowledge back to the communities across the globe.
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