This is my essay questions: What is the role of intersectionality in the memoir,

This is my essay questions: What is the role of intersectionality in the memoir, and how does the concept of intersectionality (the ways in which different kinds of oppression or privilege overlap or reinforce one another) shape the authors identity and relate to broader themes in the memoir?
The book is Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle: A Memoir
The essay must be at least 1000-1200 words (4 full double-spaced pages)
MLA Formatting: typed, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, 
Include a creative title that reflects the essay’s argument
Essay One Goals: Below are the writing and thinking skills you should be aiming to demonstrate in Essay 1. These goals will also be incorporated into the grading criteria for the essay.
The introduction engages and prepares the reader, establishing the context or general debate you are entering into.
The thesis clearly communicates your contribution to that debate, providing a clear, compelling argument and previewing the support for that argument.
The essay synthesizes the ideas of a drafted author, as well as examples from your own experience, in order to successfully prove the claim made in the thesis.
All of the paragraphs have a clear connection to the thesis, creating a unified essay.
Each of the paragraphs has a topic sentence that previews the content of the paragraph and evidence that proves the claim made in the topic sentence. Each paragraph also includes analysis of the evidence and an explanation of how the evidence proves the point made in the topic sentence. (Effective use of the P.I.E strategy.) 
The conclusion answers the question, so what? It explains the big picture implications of your argument. 
The essay is carefully proofread and edited. It is mostly free of grammatical and mechanical errors.
The essay demonstrates your thorough understanding of the Book Club memoir.                         
The essay integrates at least six quotations with rhetorical effectiveness.
The essay uses Noun Phrase Appositives (described in the Week 2 Module) effectively, 3-5 times. Underline each Appositive.
The essay is original, creative, and thoughtful, demonstrating the critical reading and thinking skills practiced throughout the unit. It effectively persuades the reader.
Body of the Essay:
Paragraph #1
I. Main Point
a. Quotation
b. Explanation and Interpretation
Paragraph #2
II. Main Point
a. Quotation
b. Explanation and Interpretation
Paragraph #3
III. Main Point
a. Quotation
b. Explanation and Interpretation
Paragraph #4
IV. Main Point
a. Quotation
b. Explanation and Interpretation
Paragraph #5
V. Main Point
a. Quotation
b. Explanation and Interpretation

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