“the lottery” by shirley jackson


In an MLA-formatted Word document, prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the primary source and four secondary sources for the story you have chosen to research. 

Write each annotation directly under the corresponding citation, in order to keep track of sources and corresponding notes and evaluations. Annotations should not be overly short. They should be written in language that is appropriate for a final essay. 

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The reason for compiling an annotated bibliography is to show proof of your research and to keep your research organized. Students who do not complete the annotated bibliography will invariably perform poorly on the research paper assignment. 


This assignment is part of the research process average that is worth 10 % of your grade. The annotated bibliography is graded on following instructions, MLA format, and grammar/mechanics. 


Following your MLA four-line heading (with name, instructor, course, and date), the title should be “Annotated Bibliography.” Be sure that your responses include an MLA citation and annotation for each source. 

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