quality improvement program


For this assignment, you will
create a professional looking PowerPoint presentation on an operations
management topic covered in this course. The scenario is that your
supervisor has assigned you the task of presenting a 30-minute training session
on this topic. You need to research your topic and prepare an engaging
PowerPoint that would be used as a visual aid in for your presentation.


Topic Ideas


The course textbook will be a great
resource when looking for a topic that relates to some aspect of operations
management. Some examples of topics include (but are not limited to):

  • How to deploy
    a successful quality improvement program
  • Tips to
    effective demand forecasting
  • How to
    create a meaningful and impactful mission statement
  • What
    are the keys to successful project management


It is recommended that you pick a
topic of interest and then do some research to make sure you can find five credible
sources – more about credible sources below. Once you are certain you can
locate five credible sources, begin creating your PowerPoint


PowerPoint Requirements:


I. Title Slide

  • This
    will be the first slide of your PowerPoint (and is NOT considered a content slide).
  • This
    slide will include the following: title of your presentation, your full
    name, class name & section number, and your institution (Liberty


II. Content Slides

  • A minimum of 10
    must be included.
  • All content slides must contain speaker notes.

Speaker notes are a presenter’s “cheat sheet”,
if you will. In other words, speaker notes are hidden from your audience, but
you are able to view them while presenting.

Speaker notes are NOT a copy of the information
on your slide. Instead, speaker notes expand upon and/or offer further
clarification regarding points on each slide.

o   To
add speaker notes, go to the Notes pane under the slide where you will see,
“Click to add notes”.  


III. Reference Slide

  • This slide
    will be the last slide(s) of your PowerPoint (and is NOT considered
    a content slide).
  • This
    slide (or slides) will contain all sources used in your PowerPoint
  • Sources
    must be formatted according to current APA formatting guidelines.
  • In
    addition to current APA formatting guidelines, the inclusion of the complete
    (sometimes called a permalink) is required for all full-text, peer-reviewed/scholarly articles retrieved from
    Liberty’s online library journal database. Note that this is not the same
    as the doi #. The URL
    must take your reader directly to the full text article within Liberty’s online library journal database. If you’re
    unsure about the specific URL/link, you can copy the entire web
     from the top of the browser’s address bar once you are
    viewing the full text article within
    online library journal database.


IV. Sources

  • A
    minimum of four credible sources
    must be used within your presentation. Required, credible sources include:

Four full-text,
peer-reviewed/scholarly articles retrieved from Liberty’s online library journal

Two of the above four full-text,
peer-reviewed/scholarly articles must be
within the last 7 years.

the course textbook (as listed on the course

  • You
    are able to include additional sources, other than the four credible
    sources listed above; however, they must be full-text articles
    retrieved from Liberty’s online library journal database.
  • Sources
    NOT acceptable for this assignment:

No textbooks (including e-books), other
than the course textbook/ebook (as listed on the course syllabus)

No general Internet
is acceptable.  Therefore,
no b
logs, education sites, commercial sites, Wikipedia, About.com,
editorials, abstracts, online books, book reviews, etc.

V. Avoiding Plagiarism

  • Create
    an original PowerPoint presentation; previously submitted work from this
    or another course is considered self-plagiarism and is prohibited.
  • Provide
    citations for the following:
    • All statements,
      ideas, & thoughts (whether paraphrased or directly quoted) used from
      an outside source;
    • tables,
      data, images, etc. used from an outside source.
  • All citations
    should be formatted according to the most current APA formatting
    guidelines and should directly follow the information used from an outside
  • All sources
    used must be formatted on your reference slide(s), according to current
    APA formatting guidelines.


VI. Other Requirements and

  • Must be created in Microsoft PowerPoint and uploaded through
    the assignment link as a .ppt or .pptx file.
  • Individual
    slides and the overall design of your presentation must be professional
    and engaging.
  • A
    running header or page #s are not
  • An
    abstract is not required.
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