Psychology Thought Paper


Vygotskian theory asserts that children and adolescents active constructors of knowledge and their cognitive
development is naturally embedded in a cultural context. Culture provides both symbols and tools and these are
used as children and adults actively engage in daily interactions. Think about skills that you could help transmit
to a child or adolescent. Considering the zone of proximal development, identify three skills and present your
teaching strategies within the zone of proximal development. For the purposes of this thought paper, identify
three separate teachable skills and your role as a more skilled teacher using specific examples.

Writing Guidelines

  • Thought papers should be three pages in length and include concepts from lecture and textbook reading. 
  • Each thought paper should be written as an essay with adequate paragraph structure.
  • Your essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Each thought paper is worth 50 points.
  • Thought papers must be turned in on the due date. Late thought papers will be deducted 50%. 
  • It is expected that you will follow the guidelines below so that your essay conforms to APA (American Psychological Association) format and style.

APA Format       

  • 1 inch margins all around                                        
  • 12 point Times New Roman font                             
  • Double-space everything                                 
  • Left alignment                                                          
  • Use first and last name as header in the top-right corner of all pages        

APA Writing Style

  • Use correct grammar  
  • Use correct spelling
  • Use appropriate paragraph structure
  • No contractions
  • No abbreviations
  • No use of symbols
  • No quotations
  • No informal language (slang, obscenities)
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