
Do you recall liking a myth/story when you were growing up? Was it the Disney version of the story? Was it a storybook version? Did you have a class that introduced you to the myth?

For this assignment, you need to research a myth of your choosing. I want you to introduce with the background information of how you came to know the myth/story. Once you have introduced it, analyze the elements of the myth. Relate it back to topics we have covered in class. For example, if it’s a journey story, show how it relates to Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey”. Use what you know about archetypes and Jung’s idea of the “collective unconscious” and how they relate to the story.

For a closing, explore how the myth has been used and presented over time and whether it still seems relevant today.

4-5 pages

MLA Format in Microsoft Doc or PDF format. Remember Works Cited page

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