Mesopotamia and Egypt as Civilizations

typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point font in Times New Roman or Arial. Except for online and printed sources assigned by the instructor, no other web or printed sources should be used (e.g., Wikipedia). Please type your name at the top of the first page. 

Citation Guidelines:
Since you are using only in-class source materials for essay assignments, you do not have to include a bibliography or works cited page. Use parenthetical citations to reference your sources. Parenthetical citations should be placed at the end of the sentence or passage in which the source material is cited. After the first full citation of a source, you may shorten the title of the document and use the author’s last name in subsequent citations, as indicated below. Lecture material must be cited, too.
Printed textbook: (William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Spielvogel, World History, vol. 1, 100)
                                  (Duiker, World History, 100)
OER textbook: (Eugene Berger et al., World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500, 75)
                                  (Berger, World History, 75)
Lecture material: (Lauren Madak, Ancient Mesopotamia, PowerPoint Presentation)
                                  (Madak, Ancient Mesopotamia)
                                  (Lauren Madak, Ancient Egypt, PowerPoint Presentation)
                                  (Madak, Ancient Egypt)
Primary Sources: (“The Code of Hammurabi,” Internet History Sourcebook)     
                                     (“Code of Hammurabi”)
                                     (“Hymn to the Nile, Internet History Sourcebook)
Assignment Question:
Using lecture material, the printed textbook (Chapter 1), and the OER textbook (Chapter 2), answer the following question: How are the chief characteristics of civilization evident in either ancient Mesopotamia or ancient Egypt?
Note: You do not need to discuss all of the characteristics of civilization in your discussion on Mesopotamia or Egypt. You may focus on only 3-4 characteristics. You may also use the assigned passages from “The Code of Hammurabi” or Hymn to the Nile in your essay, but they are not required.
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