Literature Review

Literature Review- (Approximately 5-8 double-spaced pages)

You must have at least 6-8 scholarly resources that you refer to in this paper. When citing research, briefly state purpose, method, results, and conclusion. How is this information significant to your topic? What information does it contribute? This is your opportunity to present the results of similar and/or relevant research and relate them into your idea. Your literature review section should include:

  • Defining of your topic: What is the issue/concept/area you are exploring? (DIGITAL LEARNING)
  • Synthesis of research: What exists in terms of research on your topic? (Scholarly resources drafted within the last 10 years)
  • Synthesis/comparison/contrasting of research: Are there conflicting results in the research on your topic? Are there pros/cons or strengths/weaknesses associated with your topic?
  • Gaps in the body of literature: What gaps are left by the current research?
  • Synopsis: What are your conclusions about this topic?

Organize the literature review using APA headings and subheadings (APA Levels of Headings).

Follow APA 7th edition style 

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