Latin History class

I need help with this assignment

You will answer three of these in your own words, extracting information from the text. Avoid copying direct text; instead, reinterpret and reflect on the information. You are to provide a paragraph per question. 250-300 words each paragraph. Write more than less. Do not change the default font/format of the thread. these are the questions. You will use the book that I will upload as a resource.

The page for the book is Chasteen, p161-192

Ch. 6, Progress

pM-2 – M-12

  1. How did Progress become a hegemonic idea in Latin America, and what was the consequence? 
  2. Can you describe specific elements of the mid-nineteenth-century transportation revolution? 
  3. How did the transportation revolution alter Latin America’s economic prospects and its political balance of power? 

Only use the book I upload as a source. Also, please follow my Professor’s intrusions 

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