How do you interpret the title? Why do you think Walker chose it?

  • How do you interpret the title? Why do you think Walker chose it? 
  • Look at her organizational structure, paying close attention to the white spaces (sometimes called “section breaks”). How does she transition or pivot in those spaces? How does she organize the essay, and how is that an effective way of organizing this essay? 
  • What work is the long paragraph beginning “I am fourteen…” on P. 594 doing? What seems to be the purpose (or purposes) of it? What new information do we get that is vital to what seems to be the heart of the essay? (Interesting parallel to Baldwin’s piece, right?! This important age, 14.) 
  • The piece shifts a bit, in my reading, when we get to the repeated lines that are italicized: “I remember:” What does this section, including the poem, add to the essay? What would it be missing if this section were not there? 
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