history 1302 mid term

You must use in-text citations, endnotes or footnotes, to show where you got the information to answer these questions from.  The answers must be in a Microsoft Word file, and you will only be able to upload one file for the assignment.  Moreover, please remember to answer these questions through the time period we have covered so far in class: do not go beyond what was discussed through Module 5.

Remember to adhere to the instructions in the Written Assignment Guidelines.

Answer 1 of the following 2 questions:

  • Define the Progressive movement.  What were their ideals, some of their causes, and who did they think should be running things?  Also describe some of the leaders of the Progressive movement, and their impact on American society.
  • Why did the stock market crash happen?  Why did it happen specifically in 1929?  Explain each of the causes specifically, and also explain what finally ended the Depression caused by the crash.
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