Flood Myth in Human Culture Research

Research 4 different flood myths all from a different continent each.

They must all be from a different continent.

They must be new to this course (you cannot use a myth we’vealready covered). If you use a myth we’ve already covered it will not becounted toward the required four. It’s also a good sign you didn’t watch therequired lecture video. So, make sure they are new to this course flood myths.

In your discussion

Begin with a LIST of your myths’ culture and geographic location(they are listed for each myth on the website)

As part of your LIST give each each of your chosen myths asuitable title (you’ll be creating these)

Example: Greenlander/Greenland, When the World FlippedUpside Down

How do the myths you chose fit into the general and commonpatterns of flood myths that you’ve seen thus far in the course (in the videolecture)?

Do you see any themes connecting the myths you chose? If so,what are they (explain with evidence from your sources). If not, what do youthink accounts for the novelty of your chosen myths?

What new or interesting elements are added by the myths youchose?

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