Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

I need all answers completed in the worksheet that I have attached !!!!

Calculating Descriptive Statistics in Excel:


You will be using the Excel Data Analysis Add-on for your statistical calculations.

Information on downloading or installing these programs is found in the expanded Course Overview section


The best descriptions of how to use Excel are found at the end of the Chapters in our text.

Specifically, you can find descriptive statistics fairly easily for any data set by following instructions given at the end of Chapter 3. 

The way to use Excel it to first have the data set in a spreadsheet. You may have a data set to import, or you can manually input data into the spreadsheet.

Then open DATA as one of the tabs at the top, then open DATA ANALYSIS, then open the function you want . For week one and two you will mostly use Descriptive Statistics. (Creating charts and graphs is covered at the end of Chapter 2).


Now when the box opens it will ask you for input values. Here you need to highlight the column of scores you want.

{BTW – if you get an error message about non-numeric data, you have probably highlighted the first row which has the name of the variable, like “age” or “score.” This will totally confuse Excel, so make sure you only highlight the actual numbers in the column. Or, if you want to keep the name, check the box “Label” and it will keep your variable name at the top. I would recommend this so you data output is more clear.}


Then, you must check the box for Summary Statistics.

Then you will get measures of center and variability. 


Be sure to copy and paste your output into your weekly assignments, but also, Be sure to give the specific answer to the question! For example, if the question asks for the mean, don’t just give me a table full of data which includes kurtosis, range, etc. Make sure you indicate the answer so I know you understand the how to read and interpret the data in the output.

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