Comparison of Instacart and Uber eats

Write a 5 page comparison essay on instacart and uber eats. Point out 5 points of similarity aand 5 differneces 

  1. Write a 5-page essay answering one of the prompts. This is a draft, so if you only come up with 4 pages, that is fine, since you can expand in the next draft. We will start this essay in class Thursday and it is due by Friday night.
  2. Give the essay a title that is something original, not Comparisons or Rough Draft.
  3. This essay should be typed and double-spaced. It should be in MLA format.
  4. Use facts to support your points. You do not need to do MLA citation, as we haven’t learned that yet, but give a list of urls at the end of the paper, after the conclusion.
  5. Upload this as a Word doc or PDF. If you use Google docs, download the essay as a Word doc or PDF and then upload it into Canvas.
  6. Answer only one of the prompts.
  • Pick two examples of a service that are in the same industry and compare them and how they function. For example, you can compare Uber and Lyft, or Uber and a traditional taxi service. You can compare chain restaurants with individually owned establishments, but do more than compare menu items – go deeper.
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