Citation Report

NOTE: Please read “Citation Report Guide.docx” for more information. 

Choose a publication cited by the textbook (Kottak 2022) written by an anthropologist. (Do not choose a newspaper article.) (Do not choose the publication used by the example.) Articles in anthropology journals are a good choice.

Look up the publication and read it. (If it is a book you should read the introductory chapter and the chapter relevant to the citation.) Obtain the same edition that Kottak cited so you can check any page numbers Kottak cited.

A) Tell the thesis (main point) of the publication.

B) Quote the passage of the textbook containing the citation. Quotes must be marked with quote marks and a citation of Kottak (2017).

C) Quote the relevant passage from your publication. If Kottak has a quote from your publication, include the sentence before and after Kottak’s quote.

D) Tell whether the publication reports original anthropological field research performed by the author. (Is it ethnography?)

Tell whether the pubication is comparative and how the author acquired the information. (Is it ethnology?)

Tell whether the publication is a literature review. A literature review compares a lot of literature in a comprehensive way. Articles in the Annual Review of Anthropology are literature reviews.

E) Tell how the author obtained the information. Tell time and place if possible. Tell the methods used.

F) Tell whether or not Kottak has accurately represented the publication.

Use Chicago author-date style as demonstrated in course materials.

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