Your goal for this research project is to analyze the change in the American public’s (general) sentiment towards the Iraq War/War on Terror from September 11th, 2011 to the current day. You’ll compare the similarities in the beginning towards the American stance on World War II and the similarities in the modern day to the American public’s stance on the Vietnam War.

Your goal for this research project is to analyze the change in the American public’s (general) sentiment towards the Iraq
War/War on Terror from September 11th, 2011 to the current day. You’ll compare the similarities in the beginning
towards the American stance on World War II and the similarities in the modern day to the American public’s stance on
the Vietnam War. Remember that you’re focusing on the general sentiment/support of the wars in question by the
American public.
Starter Resources:
 Source 1: Perspective on World War I and World War II
 Source 2: Vietnam to Iraq War – Changes in Support
Paper Requirements:
Your two-to-three-page research project should address the following key topics:
1) Introduction—Provide a brief overview of American support of the Iraq War directly after September 11th, 2001
and the current sentiment towards it as more time has gone on and new facts have emerged such as the initial
claims of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) being shown as false or overstated. Introduce your key points of
comparison to World War II and the Vietnam War that will be expanded upon later in your research paper.
2) American Sentiment Directly After 9/11—Describe the American public’s support of the Iraq War and War on
Terror directly after the terrorist attacks. Do you think this was a justified response or not? What were the primary
causes of support for the war? Provide a counterargument. Make a strong point of comparison to the American
public’s support of World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor to America and the War on Terror after 9/11.
3) American Sentiment in the Current Day—Describe the American public’s support of the Iraq War and War on
Terror in the current day. What caused this change in support? Make a strong point of comparison to the
American public’s support of the Vietnam War to America and the War on Terror today. Create an argument
for whether you support the War on Terror based on the available information you now know.
Citing Your Sources During Research:
Whenever you use information from research on the internet, in books, or documentaries, you must cite (record) your
sources. There are different special formats that researchers use to document important things like where the information
came from, who wrote the original information, and the date of the information

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