Why truth matters video below….. https://youtu.be/h4GXVgJYpt0 Instructions Revie

Why truth matters video below…..

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Watch the video: Plenary 2: Why Truth Matters – Os Guinness.
Review the document, Comparing Theories to Biblical View of Change.
Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion questions:
Do you believe there is objective moral truth built into the universe that if violated results in consequences in people’s lives? Explain your thoughts and what role you think truth plays in ethics and ethical decision making for social workers? Discuss and give an example.
Identify at least one reason from the “Why Truth Matters” video as to why truth is important and discuss its relevance to your work as a social worker or Christian.
How and when will you acknowledge your own views of truth to a client? (Examples may include, that medication is helpful and important for recovery, that substance abuse is harmful, that domestic violence is not normal, that God is real and can help us if we ask). Give an example of how you might do this in a way that respects client’s freedom to choose.
Finally, review and provide your thoughts on the comparison grid “Comparing Therapeutic Philosophies and a Biblical Theory of Change” above. How might the grid help you evaluate your own practice and use of theory with clients?
Your initial post is due by the end of the fourth day of the workshop.

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