Use the text Alvarez, A. and Bachman, R. (2020). Violence: The enduring problem,

Use the text Alvarez, A. and Bachman, R. (2020). Violence: The enduring problem, 4th
ed. Sage: Thousand Oakes to answer the following questions*:
Case Vignette 3: Peter
Peter is a six-year-old boy who lives in
subsidized housing with his 24-year-old mother (Ms. R), who receives public
assistance, and his three-year-old brother. Peter was referred to a hospital
center for child with multiple disabilities because of severe problems with
over-activity, impulsivity, inattentiveness, and oppositional behavior. He is
also visually impaired, has a sensory disorder and language and communication
disorders, and was diagnosed with moderate Intellectual/Developmental
Disabilities (IDD) at age three. His mother reports that he is aggressive and
reckless, and she is distraught over her inability to handle him. She makes
frequent use of moderate to severe corporal punishment, including slapping him
in the face and hitting him on the legs and buttocks with items such as paddles
and belts. Several times before Peter’s admission to the facility, she had lost
control to the point that her beatings left bruises on his buttocks that lasted
several days. Ms. R says she does not use such techniques with Peter’s younger
brother because he doesn’t need them.
Ms. R reports that her father was an alcoholic
who battered her mother and who punished his daughters with belts, paddles, and
hairbrushes. Ms. R began using drugs during high school, quit school, moved in
with her boyfriend, and gave birth to Peter when she was 20. She has never
lived outside of her rural hometown and is currently separated from Peter’s
father for the past year. When Peter’s father was in the home, he frequently
got drunk or high and beat Ms. R in front of Peter and his brother, as well as
beat Peter and his brother.
Peter was born prematurely and addicted to
opiates. He had serious respiratory problems and was a jittery, hard-to-soothe
baby. Peter was briefly in foster care, where he was able to detox and receive
care for the first year of his life. He was reunified with his parents at
approximately 13 months old.
Using the text to answer the following
How many systemic risk factors (micro, mezzo, and
macro) appear in this case? Describe the impact of these risk factors.
Discuss the role of substance abuse in this family
situation and the impact (or lack of impact) it may have on the family in
terms of violence.
Discuss how Peter’s disabilities may or may not have
played a role in his maltreatment? Do you believe Peter would have been
abused if he did not have disabilities? Why or why not?
Assuming that Peter is only in the facility for the
next month, discuss the next steps for ensuring Peter’s safety. What do
you recommend for discharge planning? Explain your reasoning for choosing
the particular plan of discharge.

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